28 Days of Play

February 3, 2014

Hi Readers!


I am so honored and delighted to be posting today on Youplus2 Parenting and on the NBC/Today show website!

How cool is that?

I’m hoping you’ll click on over here and say hello?

My post is the first of an entire month of reflections/musings on parenting and play–I will be in amazing company. Rachel has chosen writers and bloggers from all walks of life for her project, and I am so excited to kick things off!

When Rachel first approached me about the project, called 28 Days of Play, I knew it was the opportunity of a lifetime. I also really wanted to contribute, because…

Confession: I don’t play with my kids very often.

I’m not a “fun mom.”

And when I do play with my kids, half of my attention is on  the  clock, waiting for it to be over.

In short, I suck.

This isn’t something I’m proud of, but I felt that I had to tell my story honestly and authentically, and I really hope you’ll join me and some other terrific writers this month as we explore all things play…the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly.

Am I the only one who feels guilty because she doesn’t play very often with her kids? Do other parents struggle with this? Does anybody else struggle to channel her inner child?

I’d love to hear what you have to say, gentle readers!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Rachel Cedar February 3, 2014 at 6:38 am

Dana! So honored to have you kick off our series today! It’s going to be a fantastic month and your beautiful, witty post is the perfect way to start!


Pearl February 3, 2014 at 10:28 am

Enjoyed reading your post. My mother was too busy doing her own thing and I was often bored too. TV, siblings, comic books, and neighborhood kids were our distractions and we learned cooperation through play.
Do you engage your children to help you prepare meals or start a journal; write/draw pictures of their daily activities? Maybe write a sentence the younger one could illustrate then exchange places. Make a comic book/graphic story because we know you are a gifted writer and cook. Pass down those life skills and be more open. Do you text your older ones? I’m sure you could get a lot of laughs with auto correct anyway. Take an active stance and do what you love with them and maybe they’ll enjoy it now but most likely when they’re on their own, they’ll reflectively appreciate what you taught them, because it was love.


Sherri February 3, 2014 at 5:07 pm

Nice post – enjoyed it. I am hot and cold with the play…. sometimes way into it – other times, busy, need down time, feel they need to reflect and play on their own.


Lisa @ The Meaning of Me February 3, 2014 at 7:24 pm

Woo hoo – look at you all featured blogger lady! Nice post. I remember my Mom always saying (still does) that only boring people can be bored. Somehow that made us want to find something to do right quick. The stone is pure genius.


Liz Aguerre February 4, 2014 at 6:39 pm

I ALWAYS feel guilty b/c I don’t wanna play with them…and then I think I must be a terrible bitch if I don’t want to sit and play with my little boys who will only be little for so long. Then I tell myself that, still don’t want to play, and feel even worse.


Claudio February 8, 2014 at 2:02 pm

Just wanted to say. Good on you for having a go! Play is the best time for adult and child/ren as much learning can be passed on. I engage in My 2 girls as often as I can, I don’t find it difficult to do, in fact quite the opposite! Chores can be fun too! I have not read your entire Web page or Blog, however I Just saw you on TV on Weekend sunrise (Australia). I think more adult do need to re learn how to play!


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