Not sure what the dealie-o is here with no spaces between paragraphs? Something weirdo is going on so please forgive!
I’m excited to be participating in a Writing Blog Tour, thanks to my friend Pamela Hunt Cloyd. If you haven’t been to her blog, Walking on my Hands, you should do yourself a favor and pop on by. Pamela is such a treat–not only is she a lovely person, she’s a graceful, powerful and thoughtful writer. I adore her and always enjoy her words and I know you will, too.
I never knew what a blog tour even was until Pamela asked me to participate (I am so out of touch, readers) but I love the idea of getting to know more writers out there and discovering new blogs and gathering new inspiration for writing. A blog tour is basically a Q and A about how, when and why we write. I’m kind of a chaotic cyclone of a writer, so I doubt I’ll be able to impart any writing wisdom, but what the heck!
So without further ado, I will answer the Tour Questions! I’ve tagged my awesome friend Shannon at Deepest Worth to follow me on this journey, and I hope you’ll come visit her next week when it’s her turn to shine.
ps: I survived the Erma writing workshop! Details coming soon. I missed you guys!
1) What am I working on?
Good question! Obviously, I’m working on more blog posts, but I’m also toying with the idea of writing a memoir. I have some rough outlines of what I think might work and a few chapters drafted, but to be honest, I’m kind of just duffing around at this point. Making it official seems like way too much pressure and commitment right now. I also just finished contributing to 28 days of play and am shopping around some pieces for freelance writing.
Freelancing requires a bravery that I’m not sure I have; there’s lots of rejection involved and I’m not a Teflon person. Attending the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop did me a world of good, though. It helps to connect with people/writers who share your same struggles and journey.
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Ummmm, because I am all over the place? In the beginning, my blog was primarily a food/cooking blog and I stuck pretty much to those parameters, but then I got kind of bored and wandered outside of the lines. And I know I’m not supposed to do that! Perhaps I have ADHD. Anyways, I found myself writing more and more about the food and experiences of my past–how food and memory (at least for me) are tightly intertwined. And then, because that wasn’t far enough off track, I began writing about parenting; usually about how much I suck at parenting and struggle to make sense of this mommy business. And then, when I got sick of doing that, I began visiting other writing-focused blogs and following their writing prompts/ideas, hoping to stay inspired.
I guess I don’t mind that my blog doesn’t really have a genre, but sometimes my lack of focus annoys me. It also goes against the advice of pretty much every single successful blogger out there. Whoops.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I’ve been interested in food and cooking since I was a little girl, standing next to my mother kneading bread during harsh North Dakota winters. We were often held hostage to the weather, and cooking was a way to pass the time. Plus, everyone likes to eat, right?
As for the other things I write about, I think it just fulfills my need to think out loud. Oftentimes, I write my way out of confusion or pain; it’s my way of trying to make sense of a messy life. I also write for connection–I have the best readers in the world and they make me feel like I’m part of a community of awesomeness.
4) How does your writing process work?
Ha! What writing process? I’m the most undisciplined and schizoid writer I’ve ever met. Sometimes a memory will float up to the surface and I feel excited about re-living it. Sometimes I’ll stumble on an old photograph and decide to see where that takes me. I’ll flick through cookbooks for something interesting to try. I’ll visit other writing blogs I love and find inspiration blatantly rip them off. The only thing consistent about my writing process is my inconsistency.
I do find that almost always, I percolate an idea in my head for a few days before I write anything down. By the time I sit down at the computer, I have a pretty good idea where I’m going and what I want to say.
I wish I could be more helpful or insightful about writing process, but the truth is, my writing is (and always will be, I fear) a mystery to me. I just feel grateful that some people are willing to listen to me blather.
Shannon from Deepest Worth, your turn!
Spill the goods, girl! What does your writing process look like? Are you steeped in chaos like me, or are you strictly scheduled?
Don’t forget to visit Shannon this week when she weighs in!
I’m drowning in the details of re-entry, dear readers, but give me a few days and I hope to come back swinging! Right now, I’m sort of a beastly wreck of a thing, but I’m trying to collect myself and that brain I used to have…
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
You made my day with the possibility of you writing a memoir. I think this probably made my week too!
My yoga teacher had some advice to me regarding being vulnerable. He said whenever I feel on the verge of rejection, the mantra is, “fuck it” and do it anyway. Good ol Rolf.
Rolf is a sage!
I would be the first in line to buy your memoir! I’ve always enjoyed your writing – I think my favorite post to date though is the story you wrote about your sister for her birthday – I think she was wearing a red winter coat and the whole time I was reading it I thought you were talking about yourself, and it wasn’t until the end that you said it was your sister.
That post is special to me, too. How kind of you to let me know that you liked that one.
Your memoir is the one essential item missing from my library!
Good to know I’m not the only ‘all over the place’ writer…
Write that memoir, girl! I am honored to be tagged and will get my post up next Monday. I feel like I need to go back to Erma already. It seems like it was so long ago and I WANT MORE.
Me too! I haven’t even been able to write about my Erma experience and I feel like I need to go back!
But really, write it.
“The only thing consistent about my writing process is my inconsistency.” Can I use that line, too? And yet, from where I sit, I have to say, I don’t see it in you. I see consistent truth and beauty and brilliance. So glad you’re on the tour!
Your comment just made my…life? xoxo
YES, please write your memoir!
Regardless of how you write, I think what you do write, is always brilliant. xo
Everyone is writing a book. Not everyone can write a book well and make it authentic and genuine and true. You? YOU should write a book. Everything you write is authentic, genuine and true.
I would sing your praises from the rooftops, even if that book was about watching paint dry or how to castrate a gerbil (although I would prefer a bit lighter fare.) My point? You are one of the most talented writers I know. Give yourself credit and go where the words may lead…
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