Shrink-My-Ass-Month: Miss D.’s Smoothie

January 30, 2010

If you don’t know the story of Miss D.’s incredibly fussy eating habits, I would encourage you to go here.

We’re improving, teeny baby steps at a time, here at Chez T. Miss D. and Miss M. are still incredibly fussy eaters, but they’re getting better at trying new things and definitely are showing interest in cooking. We’re spending some lovely time together in the kitchen every week, and I cherish that.

The other day, as I was fixing breakfast, Miss D. said, “Hey Mama, do you think I could make my very own smoothie?”

This from the mouth of a girl who’s never allowed a smoothie to pass her lips.

“Sure,” I said, trying very hard not to show even a sliver of excitement, because parental excitement is a guaranteed Buzzkill.

“I have several recipes for smoothies; I’ll find them for you.”

“No, Mama. I don’t want to make it that way. I want to invent my very own smoothie,” she said.

Hoo-boy. This from the mouth of a girl who has no idea what ingredients go into a smoothie.

My mind started to race a little. I had visions of Froot-Loop-Sour-Apple-Gogurt-Peanut-Butter Smoothie dancing in my head.

“Okay,” I said. Hey, what the Hell.

“Awesome!” she shouted, bolting out of her seat and doing a pint-sized version of the Yummy Dance. “I’m going to concoct my recipe!” Concoct my recipe?
Where does she get this stuff?

Pen and paper in hand, she returned to the kitchen.

“Hmmm,” she said, tapping her pencil. “What kind shall I make?” Shall? Has she been sneaking down to the basement while I’m watching The Tudors again?

“I think we’ll need raspberries. And strawberries.”

Solid start. Nothing Gag-Tackular there.

“And maybe a teeeeeensy drop of lemon,” she added. It’s official: the child is from Mars.

“And sugar, of course.”

“Not too much, and maybe honey would be better,” I said. Big Mouth.

“Okay.” Pause. “What else will we need, Mama?”

“Something liquid, so you can suck it through a straw,” I said. “Milk would be good.”

So it was settled. Off I went to the store. And noticed that fresh raspberries were 6 bucks for a tiny little carton. Screw that! Frozen berries, here we come.

My little chef impressed me. And she was quite proud of her little concoction.

“Look, Mama,” she said. “I’m gonna be a good cooker like you!”

Well, she’s on her way.

Miss D.’s Smoothie

serves 2 kiddos

2/3 cup frozen raspberries (unsweetened and still frozen)
2/3 cup frozen strawberries (unsweetened and still frozen)
2 cups lowfat milk
3-4 tablespoons honey
a tiny squeeze of lemon

Place all ingredients in a blender and whiz until smooth, adding more milk if necessary. Taste for sweetness; add more if necessary. Enjoy.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Cheap Seo Services July 13, 2012 at 1:19 pm

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Zebra Zoologist July 16, 2012 at 4:46 pm

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