To the Beach

May 22, 2015

Happy Summer, Readers! Well, at least summer has technically begun in our neck of the woods. The Minxes finished school this week, although I have to say that with all of the chilly, rainy weather we’ve been having, it feels very un-summery indeed. More like Portland, Oregon. Sheesh.

Luckily, we’re escaping the rain for the Aloha! shores of Maui. We will be gone until the first week of June, and we’re eager to dunk our toes in the Pacific and get sun-kissed and sandy-soled. I’m super excited to stuff myself with all of the poke I can get my hands on; the Minxes will have none of it but they’ll make up for it in shave ice, I reckon. More poke for me!

cheap sunglasses

I won’t be too active on the Interwebs while I’m gone, although I will be sharing stories of our most disasterous Hawaiian vacation ever. If you haven’t seen these oldies but goodies, keep an eye out for them. They will make you laugh (and cringe and maybe even sick to your stomach). They will have you wondering why the Hell I would ever, ever consider returning to Hawaii with my children again.

My answer to that is simple: I’m a moron.

Something (or many somethings) always goes awry for we vacationing T.’s–we seem to be a bit cursed whenever we go on Holiday, and I expect that this time will be no different. At least the girls are older now, so I won’t have to worry about the little one licking her way through busy airports…

Be happy, be well and stay tuned. You know there’s a good story comin’

surfboard 2

Much love,


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Sherri May 25, 2015 at 6:53 am

Have fun!


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